Storage Networking

Storage Networking

Enhance your storage infrastructure

Everyone’s talking about big data. It’s the buzzword of the day. But what does it mean for organizations in your market?

To deal with big data, most of your competitors will simply add more storage hardware. While they’re suffering the inevitable consequences, such as sluggish application performance and inefficient business processes, you can take strategic steps to make better use of your current storage volumes and gain a lasting competitive advantage.

If new sources of data are already inundating your infrastructure and causing critical space shortages – or if you anticipate this happening in the next 6 to 12 months – now is the time to act. Work with virtualization consultants who can pool your storage resources and distribute them more efficiently across your organization.

ITS’s storage experts can assess your current storage infrastructure and data requirements, design a solution that meets your needs, and provide technical staff to complement the skills of your in-house team. Whether you simply want to increase the efficiency of your current storage networking solution, or whether you’re ready to tap into the greater reliability and performance of storage virtualization, we can help.

As an IBM Premier Business Partner and IBM System Storage specialist, we have the certifications and experience to handle virtually any storage issue you throw our way. We’ll package products such as IBM San Volume Controller hardware and IBM Tivoli Storage Manager to build solutions that help you manage your big data more effectively.

Here’s how we’ll work:

  • We’ll meet with you to discuss how to better align your IT infrastructure with your business goals.
  • We’ll assess your current storage infrastructure and develop a plan to leverage existing hardware alongside new technologies.
  • We’ll implement your plan, working with your team and third-party vendors or consultants, to ensure that the solution works as designed.

The results? You’ll eliminate the headaches associated with managing storage resources. Increase your business agility by deploying new hardware more flexibly. And squeeze a greater ROI out of your existing hardware.



Now it’s your turn to benefit from our experience! For a free IT consultation, fill out the form below and one of our certified IT specialists will contact you ASAP!

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