Four Lessons from Target Data Breach
April 16, 2014
Almost six months after one of the biggest US data breaches in recent history, discount retailer Target is still battling decreased business and public backlash. Reports speculated that as many as 40 million Target shoppers may have been affected by the credit and debit card breach. While the politics of big business may seem irrelevant to some, every business, no matter how small, can learn from Target’s breach. Here are four lessons to consider:
- Quick Transparency is Vital. Target’s inability to communicate the problem quickly was a major mistake. When a security breach happens, the affected company should always be the first to report the problem - not a news agency. Trust is a hard thing to earn back from a customer, especially in competitive industries with plenty of options for customers.

- Consider Everything. It may be hard to hear, but hackers and crackers are smarter than you are. That’s why a company’s weakest point of security is the area that receives the least attention. Cover all bases and remember to consider every element to your business. Target’s breach started with something as simple as an improperly functioning thermostat. Where is your weak spot?
- Hire the Right People. You can have a great security system in place, but without the right people monitoring and operating it, it’s worthless. Don’t neglect the hiring process and never skimp on training. Your employees need to know what they’re doing, why they’re doing it, and when to do it.
- Be Ready to Respond. It is hard to anticipate a data breach, but you should have proper measures in place to respond when one occurs. Target was poor in their initial response, and they’ve paid for it in recent months. Your brand is all about customer relationships, which you’ll need to maintain in the midst of crisis.
While Target’s data breach was bad news for as many as 40 million people, it provides an excellent learning opportunity for any company willing to listen. As an IBM premier business partner, ITS, Inc. believes in helping your business succeed with the help of advanced technology and superior customer service. Contact us today to learn more about the products and services we offer.
Thanks for reading,
Rob Connary, President - COO
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